The Ultimate HubSpot CRM Migration Checklist

March 12, 2024

Before getting started with the HubSpot CRM migration checklist, let us first acknowledge that one needs to plan the migration diligently. Many factors need to be taken into account. By the end of the blog, you will be well-equipped to handle HubSpot CRM migration efficiently. The other queries like why migrate to HubSpot, advantages of HubSpot, and things to keep in mind while considering migration to HubSpot are discussed in detail.

HubSpot CRM is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and industries, as it offers a comprehensive and powerful platform to attract, engage, and delight your customers. With HubSpot CRM, you can:

  • Streamline and automate your sales, marketing, and service processes
  • Track and manage your leads, contacts, deals, and tasks
  • Connect and sync with your email, calendar, social media, and other tools
  • Customize and optimize your CRM workflows and data fields
  • Analyze and report on your CRM performance and results
  • Provide exceptional customer service and support

Why migrate to HubSpot CRM?

HubSpot CRM is a modern, powerful, and user-friendly CRM system that can offer you many benefits and opportunities.

Advantages of Hubspot CRM :

Ease of use
HubSpot CRM is designed to be easy to use, learn, and adopt for anyone, regardless of their technical skills or experience. It has a simple, intuitive, and attractive interface that allows you to access and manage your CRM data and workflows with just a few clicks. It also has a drag-and-drop editor, a visual dashboard, and a smart search function that makes it easy to create, customize, and navigate your CRM system.

HubSpot CRM is built to scale your business, as it can handle any amount of data, customers, or transactions without compromising on speed, performance, or quality. It also offers flexible and affordable pricing plans that suit your budget and needs, whether you are a small, medium, or large business. You can start with the free plan and upgrade to the paid plan as you grow or need more features.

HubSpot CRM is integrated with over 500 apps and tools that you already use or need for your business, such as Gmail, Outlook, Slack, Zoom, Shopify, WordPress, and more. You can easily connect and sync your CRM data and workflows with your other tools and platforms, without any coding or hassle. You can also use the HubSpot API or the HubSpot App Marketplace to create or find custom integrations for your specific needs.

HubSpot CRM is automated to save you time, money, and effort, as it can perform many tasks and actions for you, such as data entry, updating, syncing, or sending emails. You can also use the HubSpot Workflow tool to create and automate your own custom workflows for your sales, marketing, and service processes, such as lead nurturing, deal closing, or customer feedback. You can also use the HubSpot AI and machine learning features to enhance your CRM automation and intelligence, such as predictive lead scoring, chatbots, or smart content.

HubSpot CRM is analytical to provide you with insights, reports, and recommendations for your CRM performance and results. You can use the HubSpot Dashboard to view and monitor your key CRM metrics and indicators, such as contacts, deals, revenue, or customer satisfaction. You can also use the HubSpot Reports tool to create and customize your own reports and charts for your specific CRM data and goals, such as sales pipeline, marketing campaigns, or service tickets. You can also use the HubSpot Analytics tool to measure and optimize your website, email, social media, or ads performance and conversions.

Customer service
HubSpot CRM is customer-centric to helps you provide exceptional customer service and support, as it can help you attract, engage, and delight your customers throughout their journey with your business. You can use the HubSpot Contact tool to manage and track your customer interactions and communications, such as calls, emails, chats, or meetings. You can also use the HubSpot Service Hub to provide and manage your customer service and support, such as tickets, feedback, surveys, or knowledge base. You can also use the HubSpot Customer Loyalty tool to build and maintain your customer loyalty and retention, such as referrals, reviews, or testimonials.

How to Prepare for HubSpot CRM Migration?

Before you start the actual migration process, you need to prepare for it. This is a crucial step that should not be skipped or rushed, as it can affect the quality and accuracy of your migrated data and workflows. If you don’t prepare properly, you may end up with data loss, corruption, duplication, or inconsistency, which can cause problems and frustrations for your business and your customers.

So, how do you prepare for HubSpot CRM migration? Here are some of the essential tasks that you need to do before the migration:

Best practices for HubSpot CRM migration

Define the migration goals and scope

You need to have a clear and realistic vision of what you want to achieve with the migration and what are the boundaries and limitations of the project. For example, you need to decide which data and workflows you want to migrate, which ones you want to leave behind, and which ones you want to modify or create.

Audit and clean the current CRM data

You need to review and analyze your current CRM data and identify any issues or errors that need to be fixed before the migration. For example, you need to check for missing, incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate data, as well as duplicate or redundant records. You also need to delete or archive any data that is no longer relevant or useful for your business. This will help you to improve the quality and consistency of your data and reduce the size and complexity of the migration.

Map the data fields and workflows between the current and the new CRM system

You need to understand how your current CRM data and workflows are structured and how they will be transferred and transformed into the new CRM system. For example, you need to determine which data fields and workflows are compatible and which ones are not, and how to map them accordingly. You also need to define the rules and logic for the data conversion and migration, such as how to handle data formats, values, and relationships. This will help you to ensure that your data and workflows are aligned and integrated with the new CRM system.

Backup the current CRM data and test the migration on a sample set

You need to create a backup of your current CRM data and store it in a safe and secure location, in case something goes wrong during the migration and you need to restore it. You also need to test the migration on a small and representative sample of your data and workflows, to verify that the migration method and tool are working properly and that the migrated data and workflows are accurate and functional. This will help you to prevent or detect any issues or errors early and avoid any surprises or disruptions during the migration.

Communicate the migration plan and timeline to the stakeholders and users

You need to inform and update the stakeholders and users who are affected by the migration, such as your management, employees, customers, and partners. You need to explain the reasons and benefits of the migration, the steps and procedures involved, the expected outcomes and impacts, and the roles and expectations of each party. You also need to provide them with the necessary training and support to prepare them for the migration and the new CRM system. This will help you to gain their buy-in and cooperation and ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Read also: 13 Reasons why you need to start using HubSpot right away

How HubSpot Helps Accelerate Your Business Growth

How to Execute HubSpot CRM Migration?

After you have prepared for the migration, you are ready to execute it. This is the most important and complex step of the migration process, as it involves transferring and transforming your CRM data and workflows from your current CRM system to HubSpot CRM. You need to follow the steps and best practices involved in the execution process, such as:

Choose the right migration method and tool

You need to decide how you want to migrate your CRM data and workflows, depending on your preferences, needs, and resources. There are three main migration methods and tools that you can use, such as:

Manual migration

This is the simplest and cheapest method, but also the most time-consuming and error-prone. It involves exporting your CRM data from your current CRM system and importing it to HubSpot CRM, using CSV files or spreadsheets. You also need to manually recreate or adjust your CRM workflows in HubSpot CRM, using the HubSpot Workflow tool or the HubSpot API. This method is suitable for small or simple migrations, where you have a limited amount of data and workflows, and you have the skills and time to do it yourself.

Automated migration

This is the fastest and easiest method, but also the most expensive and risky. It involves using a third-party migration tool or service, such as Import2, Trujay, or Data2CRM, to automatically migrate your CRM data and workflows from your current CRM system to HubSpot CRM, without any manual intervention or coding. You just need to connect your CRM systems, select your data and workflows, and run the migration. This method is suitable for large or complex migrations, where you have a large amount of data and workflows, and you want to save time and effort and avoid errors and issues.

Hybrid migration

This is the most flexible and balanced method, but also the most challenging and demanding. It involves using a combination of manual and automated migration, depending on your specific needs and preferences. You can use the manual migration for some parts of your CRM data and workflows, and the automated migration for other parts. You can also use the HubSpot Migration Service, which is a free service offered by HubSpot, to help you with some aspects of the migration, such as data mapping, validation, or testing. This method is suitable for medium or customized migrations, where you have a moderate amount of data and workflows, and you want to have more control and customization over the migration process and outcome.

Follow the migration plan and timeline and monitor the progress and status

You need to stick to the migration plan and timeline that you have created during the preparation step and follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the migration method and tool that you have chosen. You also need to monitor the progress and status of the migration, using the migration tool or service dashboard, the HubSpot Migration Status page, or the HubSpot Notifications Center. You need to check for any errors, warnings, or messages that may occur during the migration, and take the appropriate actions to resolve them. You also need to communicate and update the stakeholders and users on the migration progress and status and address any questions or concerns that they may have.

Validate, verify, and resolve the migrated data and workflows

You need to ensure that the migration has been completed successfully and that the migrated data and workflows are accurate and functional in HubSpot CRM. You need to validate and verify the migrated data and workflows, using the HubSpot Data Quality tool, the HubSpot Data Health Report, or the HubSpot Data Audit tool. You need to check for any issues or errors that may have occurred during the migration, such as data loss, corruption, duplication, inconsistency, workflow malfunction, disruption, or failure. You need to resolve any issues or errors, using the HubSpot Data Cleanup tool, the HubSpot Data Deduplication tool, or the HubSpot Workflow History tool. You also need to compare and confirm that the migrated data and workflows match the original data and workflows in your current CRM system, and that they meet your migration goals and expectations.

Train and educate the users on how to use the new CRM system

You need to ensure that the users are comfortable and confident with using the new CRM system and that they can perform their tasks and activities without any problems or difficulties. It will involve training and educating the users on how to use the new CRM system, using the HubSpot Academy, the HubSpot User Guide, or the HubSpot Help Center. You need to provide them with the necessary resources and materials, such as videos, tutorials, manuals, or FAQs, to help them learn and understand the features, functions, and benefits of the new CRM system.


In this blog, we have summed up the overall process of the HubSpot CRM migration process, options, benefits, and precautions. However, migrating to HubSpot CRM is also a challenging and complex project that requires careful planning, preparation, execution, and evaluation. The presence of a clear and realistic vision of what you want to achieve with the migration and how you want to do it is required. You also need to have the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to perform the migration and use the new CRM system.

Consider assigning the task of Hubspot migration to an experienced Hubspot development services company. We at DRC Systems offer Hubspot consultancy that can be helpful. Connect with us to know the details.


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