Reconstitution of Committee(s) - 07.02.2025
Outcome of BM - 07.02.2025
Notice of BM - 07.02.2025
Intimation - Change of name of RTA - 03.01.2025
Intimation- Closure of Trading Window - 25.12.2024
Intimation- Resignation of ID- 02.12.2024
Outcome of BM - 14.11.2024
Notice of BM - 14.11.2024
Intimation-Allotment of ESOP_01.10.2024
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window-25.09.2024
Declaration of Voting Results of AGM 17.09.2024
Proceedings of 12th AGM - 17.09.2024
Transcript of 12th AGM - 17.09.2024
Intimation of 12th AGM for FY 2023-24
Notice of 12th AGM
ESOP Details F.Y. 2023-24
Outcome of BM - 08.08.2024
Outcome of BM - 11.07.2024
Notice of Board Meeting - 11.07.2024
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 26.06.2024
Press Release - Work Order from NSDC for Skill India Digital Platform
Outcome of BM - 21.05.2024
Notice of Board Meeting - 21.05.2024
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 26.03.2024
Declaration of Voting Results of EGM - 15.02.2024
Intimation - Alteration of MOA
Transcript of EGM - 15.02.2024
Proceedings of EGM - 15.02.2024
Notice of EGM
Intimation - ODR
Outcome of BM - 18.01.2024
Notice of BM – 18.01.2024
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 27.12.2023
Press Release - DRC Systems & XDuce Corporation Collaboration
Intimation-Allotment of ESOP_01.12.2023
Reply to Clarification - 21.11.2023
Outcome of BM - 20.10.2023
Notice of BM - 20.10.2023
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 27.09.2023
Transcript of 11th AGM- 14.09.2023
Proceedings of 11th AGM- 14.09.2023
Declaration of Voting Results of AGM- 14.09.2023
ESOP Details F.Y. 2022-23
Notice of 11th AGM
Intimation of 11th AGM for F.Y.2022-23
Financial Results-28.07.2023
Intimation of JV Agreement by Wholly Owned Subsidiary-25.07.23
Notice of BM – 28.07.2023
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 29.06.2023
Intimation- Reappointment of Director(s) - 29.05.2023
Intimation- Acquisition - 29.05.2023
Financial Results
Notice of BM - 29.05.2023
Reply to Clarification - 05.04.2023
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 31.03.2023
Reply to Clarification - 25.03.2023
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 25.03.2023
Outcome of BM - 24.03.2023
Notice of BM - 12.01.2023
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 27.12.2022
Intimation - Allotment of ESOP - 23.12.2022
Intimation - Allotment of Equity Shares - 03.11.2022
Transcript of EGM - 19.10.2022
Declaration of Voting Results of EGM - 19.10.2022
Proceedings of EGM - 19.10.2022
Intimation-Acquisition - 14.10.2022
Compliance Certificate by PCS
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 30.09.2022
Intimation of Notice of EGM dated 19.10.2022
Outcome of BM - 20.09.2022
Valuation Report
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 15.09.2022
Notice of BM - 20.09.2022
Declaration of Voting Results of 10th AGM - 29.06.2022
Proceedings of 10th AGM - 29.06.2022
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 27.06.2022
Notice of 10th AGM for F.Y. 2021-22
Intimation of 10th AGM for F.Y. 2021-22
ESOP Details F.Y. 2021-22
Notice of BM - 18.04.2022
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 31.03.2022
Intimation- Record Date for Sub-Division - 25.02.2022
Transcript of EGM - 25.02.2022
Declaration of Voting Results of EGM - 25.02.2022
Intimation- Amendment in MoA - 25.02.2022
Intimation-Updates on Acquisition
Proceedings of EGM - 25.02.2022
Outcome of BM - 19.01.2022
Intimation of Notice of EGM dated 25.02.2022
Intimation- Closure of Trading Window - 31.12.2021
Notice of BM - 19.01.2022
Approval for Reclassification of Promoters / Promoter Group - 29.12.2021
Intimation for submission of Reclassification application - 04.10.2021
Notice of BM - 12.10.2021
Intimation of Incorporation of Wholly Owned Subsidiary in Dubai
Declaration of Voting Results of 9th AGM - 28.09.2021
Intimation-Closure of Trading Window - 30.09.2021
Transcript of 9th AGM - 28.09.2021
Notice of 9th AGM for F.Y. 2020-21
Proceedings of 9th AGM - 28.09.2021
Outcome of BM - Reclassification - 27.08.2021
Intimation of 9th AGM for F.Y. 2020-21
Outcome of BM - 27.08.2021
Intimation for Request of Reclassification - 26.08.2021
Notice of BM - 30.07.2021
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window - 30.06.2021
Outcome of BM - 14.05.2021
Notice of BM - 14.05.2021
Intimation - Update on Preferential Issue
Outcome of BM - 16.04.2021
Notice of BM - 16.04.2021
Intimation - Closure of Trading Window -31.03.2021